Firms target high growth countries and large domestic demand
More- Aerospace
- Agribusiness
- Alternative/Renewable energy
- Automotive
- Automotive Components
- Automotive OEM
- Beverages
- Biotechnology
- Building & Construction Materials
- Building and construction materials
- Business Machines & Equipment
- Business machines and equipment
- Business Services
- Ceramics & Glass
- Ceramics and glass
- Chemicals
- Coal, Oil & Natural Gas
- Communications
- Consumer Electronics
- Consumer Products
- Electronic Components
- Engines & Turbines
- Engines and turbines
- Financial Services
- Fintech
- Food & Tobacco
- Food and beverages
- Forestry
- Healthcare
- Hotels & Tourism
- Industrial Machinery, Equipment & Tools
- Industrial machinery, equipment and tools
- Information technology
- Infrastructure
- Leisure & Entertainment
- Leisure and entertainment
- Medical Devices
- Metals
- Minerals
- Non-Automotive Transport OEM
- Paper, Printing & Packaging
- Paper, printing and packaging
- Pharmaceuticals
- Plastics
- Real Estate
- Renewable energy
- Rubber
- Semiconductors
- Software & IT Services
- Space & Defence
- Space and defence
- Technology
- Textiles
- Tourism
- Traditional energy
- Transportation
- Warehousing & Storage
- Warehousing and storage
- Wood Products
Latest articles from Sectors
$558m boost for Irish software and medical sector
Foreign investment into Ireland thriving in the first quarter of 2011
Plastics projects reach a high in 2010
Global plastics project numbers hit an all-time high in 2010

Logistics industry stays on its toes in response to external forces
Increased online purchasing, high costs and environmental concerns mean the industry is using smaller warehouses, positioning close to demand and looking to port-centric areas

Diverse portfolio tactic pays off for Goodrich
Goodrich has evolved into a player in the aerospace industry through organic growth and shrewd acquisitions. And now the biggest challenge yet – co-ordinating its units to Boeing's Dreamliner

Nicaragua's new energy
Nicaragua's aggressive efforts to attract investment have been relatively successful, but as Spencer Andersonreports, the country must tackle its infrastructure shortfall, unemployment levels and provide cheaper and more stable energy supplies if it is to fulfil its potential

Tbilisi hopes infrastructure improvement, location will boost economy
Tbilisi is well placed between continents to be a trade, transport and tourism hub. Its mayor tells Courtney Fingarhow rail developments and regenerating its old town will realise these goals

Wallonia's aeronautical industry sets out its stall at Paris Air Show
The dominant player in Belgium's aerospace sector, Wallonia is out to prove at Le Bourget this year that it has what it takes to remain competitive in the face of increasing demand, despite the value of its exports falling dramatically due to the global financial crisis

Shanghai tops transport technology rankings
fDiBenchmark rankings show Shanghai is lead world city for transport technology projects, with US the top country

Kazakhstan tries to avoid oil curse
Kazakhstan is putting the hard lessons learnt during the financial crisis into practice as it embarks on a major programme of privatisation intended to wean the country off an overdependence on oil and put it on a sound macroeconomic footing
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