In a bid to encourage investment in areas such as high-end equipment manufacturing, green businesses and bioechnology, the Chinese authorities have released an updated version of their foreign investment guidance catalogue.
More- Aerospace
- Agribusiness
- Alternative/Renewable energy
- Automotive
- Automotive Components
- Automotive OEM
- Beverages
- Biotechnology
- Building & Construction Materials
- Building and construction materials
- Business Machines & Equipment
- Business machines and equipment
- Business Services
- Ceramics & Glass
- Ceramics and glass
- Chemicals
- Coal, Oil & Natural Gas
- Communications
- Consumer Electronics
- Consumer Products
- Electronic Components
- Engines & Turbines
- Engines and turbines
- Financial Services
- Fintech
- Food & Tobacco
- Food and beverages
- Forestry
- Healthcare
- Hotels & Tourism
- Industrial Machinery, Equipment & Tools
- Industrial machinery, equipment and tools
- Information technology
- Infrastructure
- Leisure & Entertainment
- Leisure and entertainment
- Medical Devices
- Metals
- Minerals
- Non-Automotive Transport OEM
- Paper, Printing & Packaging
- Paper, printing and packaging
- Pharmaceuticals
- Plastics
- Real Estate
- Renewable energy
- Rubber
- Semiconductors
- Software & IT Services
- Space & Defence
- Space and defence
- Technology
- Textiles
- Tourism
- Traditional energy
- Transportation
- Warehousing & Storage
- Warehousing and storage
- Wood Products
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Industrial machinery, equipment and tools tops 2011 inward FDI sector tables in Brazil
For eight years, software and IT services has been the most popular sector for inward FDI in Brazil. This changed in 2011, however, when the industrial machinery, equipment and tools sector recorded a record number of projects.
China defies downward coal, oil and natural gas sector capital expenditure trend
As the coal, oil and natural gas sector struggles for capital investment around the world, China has recorded a 100% increase for 2011.

Do green technologies live up to the hype?
Green sells, and investment in green technologies can offer both environmental and economic gains. But as politicians and businesses appear enamoured of the concept of a green agenda, are expectations of the results realistic?

Carmakers fuelling Asian growth
Car manufacturing was among the hardest-hit sectors during the global financial crisis. However, the industry is undergoing a revival in Asia, where it is helping to drive the region's recent economic growth.
Confidence figures surge for emerging economy FDI
A survey of global senior executives shows that sentiment towards FDI in emerging economies is far more positive than in developed economies, with China, India and Brazil registering the first, second and third highest ranking.

IPAs must develop new dimensions to their strategies
As their numbers continue to increase, investment promotion agencies across the globe are seeking new and ever more complex strategies, incorporating social media, competitive intelligence and location branding, in a bid to secure new investments in their countries.
Company profile: Groupe SEB
Groupe SEB is the world's leading company in the small appliances sector, yet despite its success in Asia and the Americas, its traditional French base remains integral to its future plans.

Morocco's Attijariwafa Bank expands its African reach
Attijariwafa Bank is the largest financial institution in Morocco and the sixth largest in Africa. Its CEO, Mohamed El Kettani, tells Barbara Njauabout the bank's plans for expansion within Africa, particularly to the unbanked, and of the projects it has funded throughout the continent.

Morocco's modernisation drive draws investor attention
With the largest stock exchange in north Africa, a slew of new projects intended to attract foreign investors and a modernisation drive to improve existing institutions, Casablanca is well positioned to achieve its aim of becoming an international financial centre.
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