European industry would do well to emulate the region’s aerospace success.
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Derby keeps the innovations coming
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View from the C-suite: Metem's forward thinking
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Derby's quality leads UK manufacturing revival
The UK's manufacturing decline of recent years seems to have bypassed Derby, which has met the challenge of low-cost competitors in the developing world by focusing upon quality.

The great aerospace battle
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Wallonia’s aerospace sector flies high
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Houston, we have an image problem
The US city of Houston has a lot to offer as a business destination, as its strong record in FDI proves. Its only problem, says the city's mayor, Annise Parker, is in trying to shake off outdated negative perceptions.
View from Asia: June/July 2013
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India's FDI frustrations mount
FDI is badly needed in India, but critics say that the government must work to improve the country’s business environment if it is to attract investment on the scale required.

French cities prove that size isn't everything
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