Latest articles from Sectors

Global decline in coal, oil and natural gas sector projects

Levels of FDI into the coal, oil and natural gas sector have been in decline since 2009, with figures from 2013 suggesting that there is little chance of a revival.

New growth plan needed in CEE: McKinsey

A report by global consultancy McKinsey suggests that economies in central and eastern Europe adopt a new growth strategy to reduce the region's reliance on the western European economy.

View from Europe: automotive industry needs to address overcapacity

Europe's automotive industry plays a significant part in the region's economy, but manufacturing capacity needs restructuring. 

Do sister city partnerships make economic sense

Do sister city partnerships make economic sense?

Sister city partnerships are not in themselves conduits to economic flows. For both cities to benefit from a partnership, the coupling must be chosen carefully, with relevant connections between the two locations that can translate into real business opportunities.

Felipe Larraín

Chile's finance minister sees fruits of stability

Chile’s minister of finance talks about his country’s reputation for stability, the impact of China’s slowdown and the continued need for economic diversification. 

Will 3D printing revive developed world manufacturing

Will 3D printing revive developed world manufacturing?

As three-dimensional printing starts to take off, manufacturers and policymakers in the US are starting to realise its potential for job creation and economic development. 


Software company IPsoft comes out from the background

Providing IT solutions for back offices is not the most high profile of businesses to work in, and this goes a long way to explaining why New York-based software company IPsoft is little known outside its core market, despite having offices located around the globe. Will its focus on 'autonomics' bring the company out of its relative obscurity?

Investors on the lookout for Spanish bargains

Investors on the lookout for Spanish bargains

As Spain claws its way out of recession, investors are diving back in, keen to make the most of bottom-of-the-cycle prices and newly competitive cost structures. 

Neighbourhood watch
From Sectors

Arizona emerges from California's shadow

Arizona has upped its game in the investment stakes in recent years, helped in no small part by its policy of enticing companies away from its bordering California to its low-cost, business friendly environment. However, as Michal Kaczmarski discover, the state's efforts to attract investment are paying off in numerous ways.

Zoran Stavreski

Macedonia uses its EU outsider advantage

Macedonia’s finance minister and deputy PM, Zoran Stavreski, explains why his country’s EU candidate status allows it greater flexibility on taxes and incentives than other countries in the union can offer

fDi Tools

fDi Intelligence has a portfolio of related products that enable you to get the targeted foreign investment information you need for your role: 

For real-time crossborder greenfield investment data on all sectors and locations, click here

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Crossborder investment monitor

fDi Markets is the only online database tracking crossborder greenfield investment covering all sectors and countries worldwide. It provides real-time monitoring of investment projects, capital investment and job creation with powerful tools to track and profile companies investing overseas.

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Corporate location benchmarking tool

fDi Benchmark is the only online tool to benchmark the competitiveness of countries and cities in over 50 sectors. Its comprehensive location data series covers the main cost and quality competitiveness indicators for over 300 locations around the world.

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Research report

fDi Intelligence provides customised reports and data research which deliver vital business intelligence to corporations, investment promotion agencies, economic development organisations, consulting firms and research institutions.

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