XXII Economic Forum

New Visions for Hard Times. Europe and the World Confronting the Crisis” - this is the motto of XXII Economic Forum , which will be held on 4th-6th of September 2012 in Krynica, Poland.
The Economic Forum in Krynica is one of the most significant international events in Central Europe. It has been held annually since 1991 by the Warsaw-based Institute for Eastern Studies in the picturesque mountain resort of Krynica in southern Poland. Every year, the Forum brings together high-level participants from more than 60 countries, with the aim of developing dialogue and cooperation among EU countries, their neighbours and partners.
The Economic Forum in Krynica is one of the most prestigious place for discussion about the future of Europe. Numerous speeches and statements made during the Economic Forum are often quoted by the biggest world media and widely commented by international experts and think-tanks.
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