Few countries can match Sweden’s potential to benefit from the intensifying, technology-driven global competition. It already has one of the most internationally integrated economies in the world and its competitiveness is reflected in large flows of trade and foreign investment. Globalisation requires the ability to change, and necessary restructuring of the economy is facilitated by a qualified, adaptable workforce, while established welfare institutions and good employer-union relations provide the foundation for social cohesion when such change takes place.

Swedish society is innovative and distinguished by the widespread and often ingenious use of information technology. The country has long emphasised the virtues of education and its institutions meet high international standards.

The country also offers an attractive location, being part of northern Europe and the Baltic Sea region, as well as the enlarged EU market that is home to some 450 million consumers.

The World Economic Forum ranks Sweden third in the world in 2004, both for the international competitiveness of its business community and for its prospects for future growth. In 2003, the Economist Intelligence Unit predicted that Sweden will remain among the world’s top 10 business environments between 2003 and 2007.

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