Located in the heart of the US in the mid-west, Missouri is emerging as the global gateway to the future, by becoming an international leader in the biosciences and other high-tech industries. The Missouri Department of Economic Development leads the state’s efforts in the international marketplace by assisting companies in Missouri and abroad to facilitate global relationships and business opportunities. The staff work closely with companies to design and implement international marketing strategies in a confidential manner. Missouri operates offices in 13 major markets, working to promote state goods and services.

Special emphasis is placed on developing high-tech industries, such as the biosciences, IT and advanced manufacturing. Leading companies in the biosciences in Missouri include Bayer Animal Health in Kansas City, Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica in St. Joseph and Wyeth BioPharma in St. Louis. Other leading companies include Cerner Corporation, Emerson Electric and Anheuser-Busch.

Missouri boasts some leading educational institutions, including Washington University and the University of Missouri with its four campuses. Much of the state’s success can be attributed to the unparalleled collaboration among the state’s companies and universities.

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