Mauritius is a prime investment location for businesses to compete, grow and prosper successfully in the global economy. Major international players have invested in various sectors, such as manufacturing, information and communication technology (ICT ), leisure & tourism, financial services and the Mauritius Freeport, a trans-shipment hub between Asia and Africa.

Mauritius is a stable, democratic country with a strong, independent judiciary. During the past three decades, the economy has grown steadily to emerge from a monoculture economy based on sugar cane to a diversified economy resting on four main pillars: agriculture, export processing industries, tourism and financial services. The ICT sector is now being developed as a fifth pillar.

With an average GDP growth of 5.7% in the past five years, Mauritius is looked up to as a model in Africa. State-of-the-art physical infrastructure, comfortable foreign exchange reserves, a highly educated and productive workforce with a literacy rate of some 86%, and a robust and diversified economy make the island a most coveted place for business.

Government policies are designed to create a climate conducive to attracting FDI. Owing to its long-established democratic tradition and its free-market economy, the island is recognised internationally as a safe investment location.

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