Malaysia has everything an investor could want: strong government policies that ensure political and economic stability; developed infrastructure connecting it to the rest of the world; a vibrant business environment; an educated, productive workforce; and an unparalleled quality of life.

Malaysia welcomes investments in the manufacturing, agriculture, services and ICT industries, especially those in the knowledge-based and technology-intensive sectors. A wide range of fiscal and non-fiscal incentives are available to companies investing in these sectors, as well as in activities involving R&D, training, environmental and energy conservation, operational headquarters and international procurement.

Success in attracting manufacturing investments in high technology, knowledge-based and capital-intensive projects has been due to a combination of factors: an educated and productive workforce, excellent infrastructure and a conducive business environment. The country’s strategic location also makes Malaysia a logical choice for multinational corporations’ international procurement centres and operational headquarters.

Companies from more than 40 countries have invested in over 3000 projects in the manufacturing sector, attracted by the business environment that has made the country one of the world’s top locations for offshore manufacturing operations. Many of them have re-invested in multiple projects.

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