With almost 60 million consumers, noted for their sophistication and high levels of brand awareness, and the fourth-largest GDP in Europe, the Italian market is rich with opportunities for an expanding business. Moreover, Italy sits at the centre of an international market, reaching out to a further 396 million consumers in other EU countries and 240 million in North Africa and the Middle East. Lying at the heart of the Mediterranean, it is the main thoroughfare linking southern Europe to northern and central Europe by land, sea and air.

A survey of leading US companies revealed that Italy enjoys a favourable reputation for its innovation and creativity; excellent manufacturing base; location; domestic market; high quality production; and strong small and medium-sized enterprise structure.

An attractive range of incentives is available to stimulate investment and job creation further, such as new tax credits to encourage investment in new plant, research and development facilities and hiring of the long-term unemployed.

To attract further foreign investment, each region is establishing specialised agencies to facilitate investment and provide support to investors. Priority sectors include the automotive industry, biotechnology, call centres, IT, pharmaceuticals, plastics, tourism, the mechanical industry, and logistics and transport.

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